Our Gallery
Litter Picking, by Mrs Carr
Year 1 Class Assembly: Creation, by Miss Ledgerton
Water, Water Topic, by Miss Ledgerton
Magical Me Topic, by Mrs Carr
Colour, Shimmer and Shine Topic, by Mrs Carr
Chinese new Year, by Mrs Carr
Winter Topic, by Mrs Carr
Egg topic, by Mrs Carr
Santa Dash, by Mrs Carr
Acts of Kindness Advent Tree, by Mrs Carr
World Children's Day, by Mrs Carr
Autumn topic, by Mrs Carr
European Languages Day, by Mrs Carr
Home learning, by Mrs Carr
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Carr
Christmas at Farmer Ted's, by Mrs Carr
Sefton Santa Dash, by Mrs Carr
Children in Need, by Mrs Carr
Mini church 11.11.19, by Mrs Carr
Awesome Autumn, by Mrs Carr
Europen Languages Day, by Mrs Carr
Sponsored jump around, by Mrs Gall
International arts week, by Mrs Gall
Hedgehog, by Mrs Gall
International Arts Week - Craft Club, by Mrs Gall