Supporting pupils

Here are some tips for supporting children, and below, some links where they can access resources and support.

Top tips to support children and young people

The Anna Freud Centre recommends:
• Be there to listen - Regularly ask how they're doing so they get used to talking about their 

feelings and know there's always someone to listen if they want it. Find out how to create a 
space where they will open up. How to start a conversation with your child
• Support them through difficulties - Pay attention to their emotions and behaviour, and try to 
help them work through difficulties. It's not always easy when faced with challenging 
behaviour, but try to help them understand what they're feeling and why. Help with difficult 
behaviour and emotions
• Stay involved in their life - Show interest in their life and the things important to them. It not 
only helps them value who they are but also makes it easier for you to spot problems and 
support them.
• Encourage their interests - Being active or creative, learning new things and being a part of a 
team help connect us with others and are important ways we can all help our mental health. 
Support and encourage them to explore their interests, whatever they are.
• Take what they say seriously - Listening to and valuing what they say, without judging their 
feelings, in turn, makes them feel valued. Consider how to help them process and work 
through their emotions more constructively. The Anna Freud Centre support guide
• Build positive routines - We know it still may not be easy, but try to reintroduce structure 
around regular routines, healthy eating and exercise. A good night's sleep is also really 
important – try to get them back into routines that fit with school or college. Sleep tips for 

On My Mind
The Anna Freud Centre has produced a set of free self-care tools called On My Mind. They provide 
simple self-care activities which children and young people can do at home. Written by young people 
to help other young people who are feeling low or anxious. The strategies should also be useful to 
adults can be found here and cover the subject matters summarised below.
• Dealing with loss and bereavement
• Self-care
• Receiving Support
• Understanding referrals
• Managing social media
• Helping someone else
• Jargon Buster
• Shared Decision making
• Know Your Rights

Online tools

Take a look at our school virtual library which covers topics of feelings, emotions, diversity, values and loss. 


Childline provides online tools that children and young people may find helpful:

Toolbox | Childline

• Calm Zone - activities to let go of stress
• Games to take your mind off things
• Information and advice on topics from feelings, relationships, family and schools
• Peer support message boards
• Childline Kids, the website for under 12s concerns. 

Kooth: Home

Kooth is an anonymous site which helps children aged 11+ and young people to feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support.

The Lily Jo Project

Building Resilience

I am an amazing person

I can

Positive affirmations

My positivity jar

My 10 minute journal 

If you or your child are experiencing anxiety, here are resources, contacts, helpful videos and advice to support you.

Stress and Anxiety
• In Hand – Stress -
• Mindshift – Anxiety –
• Headspace - Meditation - Meditation and Mindfulness Made Simple - Headspace
• CALM – Meditation -

Anxiety & Worry

Let your worries go

Returning to school challenge

Worry box

Worry tree

Gratitude & Thankfulness

Bedtime reminder & gratitude cards

Gratitude journal

Gratitude wall

Growth Mindset & Resilience

Stories of resilience

Positive affirmations 

What positives 

Inspirational poems 



Help with emotions

What am I thinking wheel

Circles of support

Connecting well activites


Happy newspaper activity 

How to be happy scrap book

Positive affirmations 


A history of kindess study plan





Files to Download

Student Login

Department for Education and Skills-School Achievement Award Logo
Arts Council Artsmark Gold Award
Church and School artnership Award Two
Children's University Logo
Healthy School Logo
Naace ICT Mark Accredited
British council International School award
British Council International School Award
UNICEF Rights Respecting School
School Games Award 2017-2018
Sure Start
Magic Breakfast Fuel for Learning
Internation School Award-2019-2022
Food Hygiene Rating Five
Arts Council England-Working Towards Artsmark
Online Safety Mark 360-Safe-Accredited Safer Online

St Oswald's CE Primary School. Ronald Ross Avenue, Netherton, Bootle L30 5RH

Tel: 0151 525 4580 | E: [email protected]