
Science | Cononley Primary School


At St Oswald’s we want all our children to develop a love of science, a burning curiosity and a deep understanding of the concepts they learn. We want them to have no limits to their ambitions and aspire to be the Astronauts, Doctors, Dentists, Researchers and Scientists of the future. We foster an environment of wonder and awe that encourages a sense of fascination about our beautiful, ever changing world and provides opportunities for spiritual growth.

Our Science lessons provide the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics and allow opportunities for questioning and reflecting. Science has changed all our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity so all pupils are taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.  They are also taught to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes.


The science curriculum at St Oswald’s not only meets the National Curriculum requirements, it promotes curiosity and awe and encourages the children to raise questions and investigate their own ideas. It develops thinking skills, problem solving and empowers the children to become independent, resilient learners.  Our curriculum seizes opportunities for discussion and explanation which deepen scientific understanding and reinforce vocabulary and language development. Reading, writing and mathematical skills are enhanced throughout the Science curriculum.

The aims of the National Curriculum are to:

  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • ensure the children are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.


Every class enjoys a weekly Science lesson. (roughly 2 hours) Practical, memorable lessons enable the children to marvel at and understand the world they live in and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Lessons ensure the children have valuable and exciting learning experiences which inspire them to have a lifelong interest in the scientific world. Big questions are encouraged, considered and discussed. The learning we deliver is varied and interesting, but still cumulative in nature so that the children's understanding develops as they progress through the school, embedding key learning and knowledge. In parallel, the children are constantly developing their skills in scientific enquiry including: identifying and classifying, pattern seeking, research and comparative and fair testing.

Ongoing assessment, revisiting concepts and reinforcing knowledge ensures progression and enables all children to reach their full potential as scientists.


The curriculum at St Oswald’s will ensure children not only acquire appropriate age related scientific knowledge but also skills which equip them to progress from their starting points.  In shaping our curriculum this way, progress can be measured and evidenced for all children, regardless of their starting points or specific needs.

At St Oswald’s, we strive for every child to achieve their full potential in Science. We aim for them all to develop a love of science, a respect for the world around them and an understanding of the importance and potential for science in the future. An appreciation of the wonders of science and nature develop spirituality and deepen our children's connection with their world. 


The assessment of science is ongoing. Teachers will ascertain the children's understanding during and at the end of each lesson, misconceptions will then be tackled and rectified, ensuring that no child is left behind. Regular mini quizzes that are delivered at the beginning of each lesson identify those children who are struggling or may need further reinforcement and support to ensure key concepts are developed. 

The children also complete end of unit tests and a termly assertive mentoring Science test is taken. This assessment data is used to inform further planning to ensure important concepts are understood by all and to ensure all pupils are on track to meet end of key stage expectations. End of term assessment data is shared with the curriculum leader to be analysed and progress is tracked for individual children.

The essential knowledge for each topic has been identified by staff and presented in  "I can statements". These inform the children themselves about what they will be learning and provide an invaluable ongoing assessment tool for staff. 

Curriculum Development Opportunities

A variety of curriculum opportunites are offered to reinforce the key learning and concepts for our children. These include schools trips, visitors to school, visits to local museums, zoos and nature reserves. Each year we dedicate extra curriculum time to British Science Week.

British Science Week: 11 - 17th March 2024

This year’s theme is “Time”. During Science week, the children will participlate in exciting activities linked to this theme that help to consolidate and develop the key concepts and skills appropriate for their year group.  They will also participate in the yearly Science poster competition. The children are also introduced to a Scientist a Day. They will find out about different scientists and the areas of science they work in. We will discuss the qualities, knowledge and skills you would need to succeed at these jobs. This will help to raise aspirations, smash stereotypes and open up the world of working within science to the children. 

Intervention and support

Weekly quizzes and ongoing assessment inform staff of children who may need further support or intervention. Support is offered in class in the form of small groups or on an individual basis and work is differentiated appropriately to meet individual needs. Homework activities will be set to consolidate or reinforce key knowledge and learning to ensure that no child is left behind.

"I can statements" clearly set out essential knowledge for each topic and are shared with families so that home learning can close any gaps in understanding.

Useful links

The UK space agency has produced a collection of space educational resources for home learning :

The Red cross have launched  homelearning activites based on First Aid. Have a go and become a First Aid champion. 

The following website teaches children about keeping themselves safe from the virus and has some useful home learning activities:

BBC Bitesize:

Stargazing at Cbeebies has some fabulous activities and videos to watch for younger children. Ask an adult to sign you up to have access to lots of Science home learning opportunities. have some fabulous investigations for you to try at home. has some really fun activities and science games. has quizzes and home learning opportunities. 

There are lots of fabulous Science activities on Purple Mash too so use your login and have a go. 

Science Vocabulary Glossary Year 4:  


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Department for Education and Skills-School Achievement Award Logo
Arts Council Artsmark Gold Award
Church and School artnership Award Two
Children's University Logo
Healthy School Logo
Naace ICT Mark Accredited
British council International School award
British Council International School Award
UNICEF Rights Respecting School
School Games Award 2017-2018
Sure Start
Magic Breakfast Fuel for Learning
Internation School Award-2019-2022
Food Hygiene Rating Five
Arts Council England-Working Towards Artsmark
Online Safety Mark 360-Safe-Accredited Safer Online

St Oswald's CE Primary School. Ronald Ross Avenue, Netherton, Bootle L30 5RH

Tel: 0151 525 4580 | E: [email protected]