Christian Character
St Oswald's CE Primary School has the Christian faith at it's heart. Our Christian values are at the root of all that we do and endeavour to achieve. Our strong Christian ethos has created a calm, family environment where staff and pupils are happy and proud of their achievements.
Our core Christian values are Community, Service, Justice, Creation, Friendship, Thankfulness, Peace, Hope and Endurance. Each class shares their own class value with families and the wider community when performing their class worship.
Worship is an important part of the daily life of our St Oswald's community. Whole school worship takes place on a Monday and Friday. In KS2 class worship takes place on Tuesday and Wednesdays, whilst KS1 do this together.
On a Thursday all classes take part in Picture News. Each week a current news story is chosen and an image is provided alongside a thought-provoking question to get everybody in class talking. There is a core value identified and there are links to the Bible.
We all participate in half termly shared worship at St Oswald's Church. Mini church is held each half term for pupils in Early Years and their families and a communion service takes place the same week for the rest of the school and their families. Our Year 6 children take part in this service through Bible readings, prayers, and by giving bread to all the children. All are welcome to both events. Dates of which are shared on the school website.
Our children help lead worship for the whole school every half term through our 'Worship Warriors' after school club. They rehearse and present a play that tells a Bible story, ask questions, lead prayers and teach the whole school an action song.