
Maths Curriculum Statement

At St.Oswald's CE Primary School we aim to ensure that pupils become confident and inquisitive mathematicians. We place a large emphasis upon number skills, creating wonder through looking at pattern in number and order in mathematics  to ensure that pupils are able to add, subtract, multiply and divide using mental and written methods. All children should know rapid recall of multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 by Year 4.

Spirituality can be discovered through mathematics as our children engage in logical reasoning, problem solving and exploration of abstract concepts. The process of tackling mathematcial challenges and concepts encourages resilience, patience, collaboration, and a growth mindset which enbales the children to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics and often themselves.

Curriculum Intent

The Maths curriculum at St Oswald’s not only meets the National Curriculum requirements, it promotes curiosity and encourages the children to look for patterns and investigate their own ideas. It develops thinking skills, problem solving and empowers the children to become independent, resilient learners.  Our curriculum seizes opportunities for discussion and explanation which deepen mathematic understanding, reinforces the use of mathematical vocabulary and language development. Mathematical skills are enhanced throughout the curriculum e.g,Science investigations and drawing conclusions, PE - measuring time and distances, Historical timelines etc..

 The aims of the National Curriculum are to ensure pupils are enabled to:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and nonroutine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

We support children in their learning by providing them with opportunities to:

  • use concrete objects and/or act out an idea or skill
  • use visual, pictorial representations e.g. bar models to represent problems
  • use abstract representation - the symbolic stage where there is an understanding of formal methods


Every class enjoys daily Maths lessons at the beginning of each day until break. (At least 5 hours per week)  Practical, memorable and challenging lessons ensure the children have valuable and exciting learning experiences which inspire them to have a sense of wonder and excitment about mathematics and to develop a lifelong interest in it. They know the problem solving skills they have developed are valuable life skills. The learning we deliver is varied and interesting, but still cumulative in nature so that the children's understanding develops as they progress through the school embedding key learning and knowledge.  The school has adopted  the ‘Build a Sequence’ resources into the delivery of Maths this ensures that previous learning is built on and there is a clear structure in the learning that takes place ensuring there is clear progression between fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

In parallel the children are constantly developing their skills across other curriculum area, links are made where possible so that the children can relate mathematics to the real world. e.g. When participating in scientific investigation and recording their findings in graphs, charts etc. or Mearsuring time and distance in PE.  

Ongoing assessment, revisiting concepts and reinforcing knowledge ensures progression and enables all children to make good sustained progress in Maths.


The curriculum at St Oswald’s will ensure children not only acquire appropriate age related mathematical knowledge but also the skills which equip them to progress from their starting points.  In shaping our curriculum this way, progress can be measured and evidenced for all children, regardless of their starting points or specific needs.

At St Oswald’s, we aim for all pupils to develop a love of maths and an understanding for how mathematical knowledge is used in various life skills such as telling the time and solving various problems they will be faced with in life.

Mathematic Assessment at St Oswald’s

The assessment of maths is ongoing. Teachers will ascertain the children's understanding during and at the end of each lesson, misconceptions will then be tackled and rectified through marking of pupils work and verbal or written feedback.  All children are expected to respond to feedback given and the evidence of misconceptions being addressed is evidence in the pupils work and progress.

The children acomplete fortnightly arithmetic tests and problem solving lessons. 

Termly NFER Maths tests are used to monitor pupil progress and attainment in working towards their end of year expectations.  They are completed with a standardised score, determining if the children have met their age related expectations. This assessment data is used to inform further planning to ensure important concepts are understood by all and to ensure all pupils are on track to meet end of key stage expectations.  


  • NFER assessment materials 
  • Build a sequence 
  • NCTM (for children working at Greater Depth)
  • Nrich maths
  • IXL - Each child has their own login for regular practise and there is guidance for how to complete the calculations for each activity.  This resource will help both parents and children, particularly when completing homework.
  • TT Rockstars - (Times Tables Rock Stars) is an online programme, pupils in Year 2 upwards all have log in details.  This programme is a fun for daily times tables practise which has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for lots of our pupils.
  • Purple Mash - This programme contains lots of fun, educational activities for all ages.

Children have been given individual logins for TT Rockstars, Purple Mash and IXL to use at home to support learning. If you are unsure of your child's log in please inform you child's class teacher or contact the school office, who will happily provide this for you.

TT Rockstars

It is imperative that all children learn their times tables, the curriculum states that by Year 4 all children should know all their times tables from 2 to 12, in order, mixed up and as divisible facts.  To help we have purchased “TT Rockstars”, which is a programme that all children can use at home. 

All children have been given their user names and passwords.  We would be grateful if your child could use this at home and practice, awards will be given to all those who know their tables.   



On IXL, maths is more than just numbers. With unlimited questions, engaging item types, and real-world scenarios, IXL helps students experience maths at its most mesmerising!  All children have their unique logon and passwords.  If they have lost this, they will need to ask their class teacher who will be able to help.

Gallery Links

Year 2 - Fractions

Year 2 - Money

Year 2 - Multiplication

Year 2 - Place Value


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Student Login

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Arts Council Artsmark Gold Award
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Children's University Logo
Healthy School Logo
Naace ICT Mark Accredited
British council International School award
British Council International School Award
UNICEF Rights Respecting School
School Games Award 2017-2018
Sure Start
Magic Breakfast Fuel for Learning
Internation School Award-2019-2022
Food Hygiene Rating Five
Arts Council England-Working Towards Artsmark
Online Safety Mark 360-Safe-Accredited Safer Online

St Oswald's CE Primary School. Ronald Ross Avenue, Netherton, Bootle L30 5RH

Tel: 0151 525 4580 | E: [email protected]