Physical Education

St. Oswald’s Church of England Primary School recognises the vital contribution P.E. has on a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development as well as the role it can play in a child’s spiritual, moral and cultural development.  We encourage our pupils to engage in sport and live a healthy lifestyle.

We believe in providing a broad and balanced curriculum to aid children’s engagement in physical activity through a balance of individual, paired and group activities. We aim to cater for the different strengths, needs and preferences of each child, using differentiated activities. Through a variety of opportunities that PE offers, children can develop a sense of personal achievement, fair play, teamwork and an understanding of the ways in which sport can transcend social and cultural boundaries.

We develop children’s creative and expressive abilities through improvisation and problem solving. Children are taught to appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle and understand the factors that affect health and fitness.

At St. Oswald’s, we intend to provide all pupils with a road base of movement and knowledge, skills and understanding, which they can refine and expand throughout their primary school years.  All children are encouraged to join clubs outside of school hours and extend their interest and involvement in sport.


Following the introduction of the new National Curriculum in 2014 the emphasis has been to ensure that all children:

By the end of key stage 1, pupils are able to:

  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
  • participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
  • perform dances using simple movement patterns

By the end of key stage 2, pupils are able to:

  • use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics]
  • perform dances using a range of movement patterns
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

We want to teach P.E in a way that develops:

Physical Development

  • To develop physical competence and confidence by acquiring and developing a range of fine and gross motor skills
  • To be aware of the different shapes and movements that can be made with the body
  • To develop knowledge, skills, understanding and the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions with increasing control and accuracy
  • To promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle by understanding the effects of exercise on the body and the benefits in developing strength, endurance and flexibility
  • To encourage pupil interest in participating in wider school physical activities and joining local clubs
  • To appreciate the value of safe exercising.

Social and Emotional Development

  • To develop a love and interest in physical exercise
  • To develop the ability to work independently and communicate well with and respond appropriately towards others using verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Develop confidence
  • Develop self – esteem
  • Promote understanding of safe practice and sense of responsibility towards the safety of themselves and others
  • To create and plan games to deliver to each other
  • Develop a sense of fair play and sportsmanship.

Cognitive Development

  • Develop decision making and problem solving skills
  • Develop reasoning skills and ability to make reasonable judgments
  • Develop ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional skills
  • To improve observational skills, ability to describe and suggest improvements on their own and others performance
  • Understand that improved technique will have an impact on their own and others performance
  • Develop language skills.

Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Development

  • Develop a positive mental attitude
  • Experience a range of different activities and sport
  • The importance of doing your best and overcoming fear of failure
  • To encourage others and praise for their performance
  • To represent the school in competitive events
  • To participate at a competitive level
  • To develop self esteem in non – competitive sport
  • Treat others with respect.


We provide an enriched curriculum from Early Years throughout the school to Year 6 that goes beyond the expectation of the National Curriculum and goes beyond the minimum statutory requirements for PE. The scheme that we follow is 'Get Set For PE'. 

In EYFS opportunities are provided for children to be active and to develop their co-ordination, control and movement through moving and handling activities; which involve the use of a range of equipment and involve different spatial experiences.  Structured lessons and opportunities for outdoor physical activity amount to at least two hours per week.  

Pupils in both Key Stages engage in two hours of high-quality PE during curriculum time each week.  Curriculum coverage is an hour of games per week and 40 minutes of indoor gym per week. In addition to this, St Oswald’s Church of England Primary School provide: a term of 40 minute dance sessions taught by a specialist dance teacher, a half term of 60 minute gymnastics sessions taught by a specialist coach from Beth Tweddle gymnastics, swimming for Year 3 is a 2 week block of hourly sessions – taught by trained staff at Kirbky Swimming Pool, swimming for Years 4 and 5 for a term and a half in 40 minute sessions taught by trained school staff and swimming Year 6 in a two week block of hourly sessions taught by trained school staff.  Games activities cover a variety of team sports, athletics and outdoor adventure sessions. 

During the Autumn term, Years 5 and 6 take part in outdoor adventure activities at Crosby Lakeside and Years 3 and 4 visit Awesome Walls for climbing and teamwork based activities. During the Summer term, Years 1 and 2 visit Jungle Parc to enagage in physical teamwork activities.


P.E is taught as a foundation for lifelong learning where pupils have the opportunity to access a wide range of activities in the idea that pupils continue to lead a physically active life. St. Oswald’s Church of England Primary School provides a high-quality P.E curriculum with the intention of improving wellbeing and fitness of all pupils. Competitive opportunities are provided frequently which enable pupils to succeed and excel though inter and intra competitions which help to embed core values such as fairness and respect. Pupils are encouraged to be physically confident, developing a positive mental attitude and take ownership of their own health and fitness.

Curriculum Development Opportunities

We develop resilience and perseverance through the implementation of “The Daily Mile”. Children aim to complete a mile or more each day on a tarmac track on the school field. Completion of The Daily Mile allows children to develop their personal achievement as well as improving their physical fitness. Children are encouraged by the class teacher who oversees the implementation of The Daily Mile and rewarded in class weekly with certificates to celebrate enthusiasm, encouragement and determination. The mile is completed daily in twenty minute intervals all classes in the school.

In Years 5 and 6, children have the oppotunity to take part in Bikeability sessions. Bikeability cycle training equips children with vital life skills. Pupils not only learn to cycle, they gain independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing. This is spread over 2 levels of skills.

We intend to utilise the use of Government funding (see Sports Premium report) to have a positive impact on pupils levels of fitness, ability to participate in competitive sport, develop their physical skills and also to ensure that the pupils have access to specialist coaches which will then have a positive impact on staff development – developing their confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE.


     School Games Award – Platinum | Brown Clee CE Primary School

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St Oswald's CE Primary School. Ronald Ross Avenue, Netherton, Bootle L30 5RH

Tel: 0151 525 4580 | E: [email protected]