‘You have 190 days to come to school and 175 to do everything else!’
Good attendance is so important. Even missing one day of school can have a significant impact on a child’s learning. The school day is structured so that learning starts from the minute pupils walk through the door and we expect pupils to be on time and learning with us every day.
At St. Oswald's CE Primary, we take great pride in the high levels of attendance that the vast majority of our children achieve.
Our target is for all children to reach between 96 -100% attendance annually. we recognise that this is a very challenging target and that sickness or illness can often affect a child’s attendance. Good attendance is rewarded regualry, the children are included in the rewards systems we have in place through the school council where ther pupils discuss their views and what works for them.
We do not authorise holidays in term time unless there is an exceptional circumstance. All holiday requests have to be made in person through Miss Murtagh (Headteacher). Please see our attendance policy for parents for more information regarding this. Senior leaders and governors have concerns about all extended absences and the impact this has on pupil progress. All unauthorised absences that qualify are referred for penalty notice.
Attendance team
Miss Murtagh (Headteacher), Mrs Clarke (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs S. Varga (Chair of Governors), Mrs J. Bateman (Governor) Mrs W. Nuttall (Attendance School Worker) and Mrs McNally (Parent Support Adviser) lead our improving attendance and punctuality strategy.
Mrs McNally makes referrals to local authority for penalty notices and cases of persistent unexplained absence.
Mrs Nuttall carries out home visits for pupils who are persistently absent.
Pupils are rewarded for consistently good attendance and punctuality – the reward system celebrates good weekly, monthly, half termly, termly and annual attendance for the pupils.
What should I do if my child is too unwell to attend school?
Telephone school (telephones are open from 8.00 a.m. and there is a facility to leave a message for absences) to record that your child will be absent from school or send a message via school spider.
To Report an Absence
Tel: 0151 525 4580 option 1 or Email: [email protected] or Report: via school spider.
If the absence continues it is important that you keep in touch with school – ringing, emailing or sending a school spider message every day if possible.
What is an acceptable level of attendance?
We monitor all pupils whose attendance falls below 96%.
If a child's attendance falls below 96% and is between 90-95% a standard letter will be sent home reminding parents of the improtance for good attendance.
What is my child’s attendance falls below the accepted level 96%?
Mrs McNally (Parent Support Adviser) reviews attendance on a daily, weekly, half termly and annual basis. Where attendance falls below 96% she will:
(a) Write to the parents of the children concerned outlining the concerns.
(b) Consider what response or action is required / appropriate – this will vary depending on the individual attendance levels.
(c) Meet with the parents of children concerned to identify any support that may be necessary or needed.
(d) Monitor attendance closely.(e) request medical proof/evidence
Persistent Absence
If a child's attendance falls below 90%, this is classed as persistently absent. Parents will be inviited in to meet with memebrs of the attendance team to compille a support plan, this is to ensure that all that can be done to ensure the children are in school is put into place with school and home working in partnership together. This is an opportunity to discuss any issues at home or in school that are affecting school attendance. A copy of a support plan is attached below.
If parents refuse to meet with school staff a support plan will be completed in their absence and sent home.
There is an expectation after this meeting that attendance will significantly improve.
St. Oswald's CE Primary follow Sefton's graduated response to monitoring and improving attendance shown in the table below.
If my child needs to be absent necessarily, what should I do?
If your child needs to be absent necessarily, the absence must be applied for before the absence takes place. Parents will need to provide the school with evidence of the necessity of the absence. The sort of evidence might include appointment cards, appointment text message or prescriptions.
What if I don’t get permission from the school for an absence (such as a holiday) but choose to go anyway?
Then a fixed penalty may be issued. For a first offence these will be set at £80 per child per parent if paid within 21 days, increasing to £160 if paid within 22 - 28 days.
Second offence (within 3 years) £160 per parent (who allowed the holiday) per child, paid within 28 days.
Third offence (within 3 years) the local authority will consider other available measures, cases maybe presented before a magistrates court, prosectution may result in a criminal record and fines up to £2500.
The penalties will apply to each child and each parent will be issued separately.
For more information about keeping your child off school when sick, please take a look at the following link.