Handa's Surprise! W/E 30.09.16
Class: Nursery Year: 2016 - 17
This week we have been reading the story 'Handa's Surprise' in preparation for our Harvest Festival. We found the story very funny, especially as the animals kept stealing the fruit without Handa noticing! We noticed that Handa doesn't carry her fruit like we do and we tried to carry it on our heads just like her. This was rather tricky (even with the help of a beanbag)! We used the balance scales to weigh the fruit and were able to identify the heaviest and lightest - the pineapple was so heavy that is was heavier than all the other fruit put together. Some of us were eager to try some new fruits and found some that we liked but some that we didn't. All week we have been practising our song for the harvest festival which tells the story of 'Handa's Surprise' and we can't wait to share that with everyone.