Events for This Half Term
Events for This Half Term
Year 3 will be swimming every Wednesday afternoon.
Beth Tweddle Gymnastics coaches for Years 3 & 5 every Tuesday afternoon.
3rd October Mentor Lunch
4th October Year 1 & 2 to visit Martin Mere
2.15pm – Harvest festival in school hall, NOT Church – all welcome to join us.
We are collecting for our harvest gifts, any donations of tinned or packet food, please bring into either school office or send into class with your children
8th October PM Year 5 to Goals (small team)
10th October World Mental Health Day
14th October PM Y4 team to Goals
15th October 0900 – 1000 Coffee Morning in school hall
18th October Individual school photographs
25th October TT Rockstars competition for KS2
Finish for half term