
Regular attendance at school is significant to a child’s educational development and 
progress. There is a bigger Government drive to improve attendance.
When a child’s attendance falls to 90% or below it is classed as persistent absence. We 
hope that by working together, attendance will improve and children will achieve fully in 
school. The school’s policy for attendance is available on the school website.
We reward good attendance each week and are aiming for at least 96% attendance. 
Our Year 2 class again had the highest attendance for the week before we finished for the 
Christmas holidays, well done Year 2 with 96.2% attendance! Other classes attendance was 
follows: Y4 - 94.4%, Y5 - 91.7%, R - 91.1%, Y3 - 90.3%, N - 88.2%, Y1 - 84.1%, Y6 - 83.8%.
The class with the highest attendance for last half term and term was Reception class.
The classes in green are above our target of 96% and those in red are below, some 
significantly below. We will be targeting those with poor attendance.
Parents can notify school of their child’s absence through the School Spider App. You will need to log into School 
Spider to do this, if you need help logging in, please let school know.
If you are unable to call school, e.g no credit on your phone, please use School Spider.

Student Login

Department for Education and Skills-School Achievement Award Logo
Arts Council Artsmark Gold Award
Church and School artnership Award Two
Children's University Logo
Healthy School Logo
Naace ICT Mark Accredited
British council International School award
British Council International School Award
UNICEF Rights Respecting School
School Games Award 2017-2018
Sure Start
Magic Breakfast Fuel for Learning
Internation School Award-2019-2022
Food Hygiene Rating Five
Arts Council England-Working Towards Artsmark
Online Safety Mark 360-Safe-Accredited Safer Online

St Oswald's CE Primary School. Ronald Ross Avenue, Netherton, Bootle L30 5RH

Tel: 0151 525 4580 | E: [email protected]