Year 6 2024 - 2025
Music: Mrs Payet
Spanish: Mrs Lees
Welcome to Year 6
Christian Value: Perseverance
Class Prayers
Give us grateful hearts our father
For all your mercies
And make us mindful
Of the needs of others.
In Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen
Lord, keep us safe this night
Secure from all your fears.
May angels guard us while we sleep
'til morning light appears. Amen
UNICEF Rights and Responsibility Article 16
Children have a right to privacy. The law should protect them from attacks against their way of life, their good name, their families and their homes.
Our Class
Our doors open at 8.45am each morning. The children will enter the building through the Y5/Y6 doors. It is important that children are on time each day as we start handwriting at this time.
Physical Education
You will need: black shorts, a red T shirt, black pumps (indoor), trainers. (outdoor) [optional]
PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.
The correct swimming kit is needed for pupils to be allowed into the swimming pool.
Girls will need a one piece swimsuit plus a swimming hat and boys will need swimming trunks (not shorts) and a swimming hat.
Year 6 will be swimming in Spring term for 2 weeks beginning 6th January.
Home Learning
Teachers will set a piece of English and Maths homework weekly on a Friday. Year 6 children will also be given spellings to learn weekly at home and will be tested in school the following week on a Thursday. It is important that you help and support your child working towards achieving their targets. If you are unsure how you can support your child, please do not hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher.
Reading diaries should be signed each night and will be checked on a Monday. Please spend time discussing the book that your child brings home with them. We also encourage the children to read a range of other texts in addition to their home-school reading book. We would be grateful if you could comment on other books that your child reads at home.
Important Dates 2024
KS2 (Year 6 SATs)
Monday 12th May
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Paper 1
Spelling Punctuation and Grammar Paper 2
Tuesday 13th May
English Reading
Wednesday 14th May
Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)
Thursday 15th May
Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)
Year 6: News items
Easter Bonnet Competition, by Mrs Webb
Birthday Cakes, by Mrs Webb
Expert Support For Every Parenting Challenge, by Mrs Webb