Reception 2024 - 2025

Teacher: Mrs L. Carr

Teaching Assistant: Mrs N. Ponting

Teaching Assistant: Miss E. Jones (1:1 supoort)

                                Miss S. Porter (1:1 support)

                                Mrs T. Ray (1:1 support)

PPA cover (Tuesdays):

Specialist Staff: Mrs L. Jones (lunchtime support)


Welcome to Reception Class

Christian Value: Friendship

Class Prayers


Thank you for the world so sweet

Thank you for the food we eat

Thank you for the birds that sing

Thank you Lord for everything



God in Heaven, hear my prayer

Keep me in thy loving care

Be my guide in all I do,

Bless all those who love me too.



UNICEF Rights and Responsibility: Article 7

Children have the right to a name and nationality


Our Class

Our doors open at 8.45am each morning. The children are encouraged to come in independently and hang their coat and put their bags in the box. Our school day finishes at 3.15pm.

Physical Education

P.E. sessions will take place on a Tuesday morning. Children can come into school wearing their PE kit that day. 


For the first half term children will bring a sharing book home on a Friday. After the half term they will be given login details to Oxford Owl where they can access e-reading books matched to their phonic group. This will be set on a Tuesday. On a Friday they will bring home a Book Bag Book. Regular reading at home is encouraged.  Feel free to write any comments about how well your child reads or if there was a particular sound or word that they needed support with.

Home Learning

Every Friday there will be a Maths IXL tasks set (user names and passwords will be on the childrens home learning folder). Children will also bring home phonic flashcards to practise.


Throughout the half term children can collect 'dojo' points. When the children get 10 dojos they recieve a sticker. On a Friday there is a reward for the child with the most dojo points for the week. Each week there is a star of the week and 2 lunchtime star of the week.

'Star of the Week' is awarded to a child that has tried hard in all aspects of school, including being kind to others, good work, following instructions etc
The 'Star' will receive a certificate and a pencil. 

Wonderful Weather

It is important for all children to wear sensible footwear and coat as the weather gets wetter and colder. We encourage the children to bring their own welly boots to use outside; these can be passed to a member of staff. When children are this age they are still learning to dress and undress independently, so we ask for them to wear shoes with velcro fastenings so they are easy to take off and put on. Please remember to name all clothing and footwear.


Stay and Play

Stay and play sessions enable parents to come into the classroom once a half term and see how the curriculum is delivered. Each half term has a different focus, such as phonics, mathematics, tecnology. 

 - Phonics/CLL focus - 2.15-3.15
 - Xmas Expressive Arts and Design focus - 2.15-3.15
 - Maths focus - 2.15-3.15
 - Understanding the world focus - 2.15-3.15
 - PSED focus - 2.15-3.15
 - Physical focus (Barnardo's big toddle) -  2.15-3.15

Mini Church

Mini church takes place each half term. Families are more than welcome to join us at St. Oswald's Church. The short service begins at 11.00am.

The next mini church date can be found on our events page.


Files to Download

Reception: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Reception: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Reception: Events items

Stay & Play, by Mrs Webb

Stay n play N &R, by Mrs Webb

Stay & Play, by Mrs Webb

Student Login

Department for Education and Skills-School Achievement Award Logo
Arts Council Artsmark Gold Award
Church and School artnership Award Two
Children's University Logo
Healthy School Logo
Naace ICT Mark Accredited
British council International School award
British Council International School Award
UNICEF Rights Respecting School
School Games Award 2017-2018
Sure Start
Magic Breakfast Fuel for Learning
Internation School Award-2019-2022
Food Hygiene Rating Five
Arts Council England-Working Towards Artsmark
Online Safety Mark 360-Safe-Accredited Safer Online

St Oswald's CE Primary School. Ronald Ross Avenue, Netherton, Bootle L30 5RH

Tel: 0151 525 4580 | E: [email protected]