Nursery 2024 - 2025
Teacher: Mrs A. Gall
Teaching Assistant: Mrs L. Jones
Lunchtime Support: Mrs L Jones & Mrs T. Ray
PPA cover (alternate Wednesdays): Mrs T Russell
Welcome to Nursery Class
Christian Value: Friendship
Class Prayers
Dear God,
Please help me to be a kind friend in our classroom.
Home Time:
Jesus, friend of little children, be a friend to me,
Take my hand, and ever keep me
Close to Thee.
UNICEF Rights and Responsibility: Article 31
Children have the right to relax and play.
Our Class
There are two nursery sessions each day, morning and afternoon as follows:
Morning session 8.30am – 11.30am
Afternoon session 12.15pm – 3.15pm
30 hour places are available and run over four and a half days. Parents are given the opportunity to pay for wrap around sessions (where available) at a cost of £15 per session.
When children arrive they hang their coat on their peg and find their name to hang on the tree.
Children collect 'dojo' points for positive behaviour and when they achieve 10 points, they can choose a prize and certificate in exchange for their points.
'Star of the Week' is awarded to a child that has tried hard in all aspects of school, including being kind to others, good work, following instructions. Our 'Star of the Week' also gets to take home one of our travelling teddies - Charlie Bear and Baby Bear. The children love taking our travelling teddies home for the weekend and sharing their adventures with their friends
Wonderful Weather
It is important for all children to wear sensible footwear and coat suitable for the weather. We encourage the children to bring their own wellington boots to use outside, which we store in school. When children are this age they are still learning to dress and undress independently, so we ask for them to wear shoes with velcro fastenings so they are easy to take off and put on. Please remember to name all clothing and footwear.
Stay and Play
We love to invited parents to join in with our sessions and 'stay & play' is the ideal time to do this. Each 'stay and play' session has a theme linked to the areas of development and parents are able to spend time looking at their child's learning journey and observations. Mornng sessions are 10.30am-11.30am and afternoon sessions are 2.15pm-3.15pm.
Dates to be confirmed.
Mini Church
Each half term the children are invited to join in with our Mini Church session where they can take part in a short church service at St. Oswald's Church. Parents are warmly invited to join in with our service.
Services begin at 11:00am and run until 11:20am.
Monday 23rd September 2024
Monday 11th November 2024
Monday 13th January 2025
Monday 3rd March 2025
Monday 24th April 2025
Monday 9th June 2025
Files to Download
Nursery: News items
Easter Bonnet Competition, by Mrs Webb
Birthday Cakes, by Mrs Webb
Expert Support For Every Parenting Challenge, by Mrs Webb